Thursday, March 14, 2013

Child Support and the Non-Custodial Parent

All parents should have to help with the care and needs of their children, but is the government and states pushing for responsibility from the RIGHT parent??

 (I am going to be using REAL numbers and scenerios for this article!!!) 

The custodial mother #1 (first marriage) has four children in her home that the non-custodial father pays support, in the amount of $1050 a month, for.  The custodial mother also gets food stamps, housing assistance, and medicare.  She pays roughly $450 a month for a 4 bedroom condo with her housing assistance.  She has been a full-time student for 10+ years, has at least an associates degree and has chosen not to be employed.  The mother also gets at least $400 a month in food stamps.

The custodial mother #2 (second marriage) has three children in her home that the non-custodial father pays support, in the amount of $580 a month, for.  This mother does work but does not claim so and still receives the governement assistance.  She makes at least $1600 a month, and gets at least $400 in food assistance and pays no more than $500 for housing.

The father has a gross monthly income of $2134.  He has one child in his current home from his current marriage.  The mother of that child works only part-time so she can be home with their child while he is at work.  She makes $400 a month.  The father is currently paying $900 a month for a 3 bedroom home. 

Now lets add up how much income these households bring home.....

Custodial Mother   #1               Custodial Mother #2                    Non-Custodial Father
$1050 Child Support                  $1600 Work Income                       $4134 Work Income
+400 Food Assistance                 + 400 Food Assistance                  + 400 (Spouses income)
                                                    + 580 Child Support
------------------------                  ----------------------------                    ----------------------------
$1450                                               $2580                                              $4534

-450 Rent                                  - 500 Rent                                            -900 Rent
                                                 -600 taxes/etc withheld (High Est.)     -1050 Child Support #1
                                                                                                               -580 Child Support #2
                                                                                                               -1000 taxes/etc withheld
-------------------                          -------------------                                  -------------------------
$1000                                              $1480                                                   $1013

The total left has to suffice for food, utilities, gas...etc.

Why would a mother choose to work when she makes just as much money as the father who does work?  The father does not have the luxury of choosing not to work because the child support will just add-up whether he works or not.  Custodial mother #1 has a degree and a POTENTIAL earning of at least $1600 a month (based on her last job position held).  Why does the government not force the support to be equal among the parents?

Another expense put solely on the father is transportation during his visitation.  He drives 12 hours to get his six children, turns around and does the whole drive again.  Last year he drove that distance to see his children for Christmas, only to have mother #2 avoid his phone calls.  He had to leave their Christmas presents with a family member.  Mother #2 has not allowed him see the 3 children he is paying support for in over 2 years. 

Last summer, Mother #1 (who doesn't work), went to Ireland for the summer.....
Mother #2, got new tattoo's and piercing back in 2010 when she wasn't working.....

If our government is going to get involved with one part of a child's welfare......shouldn't they also be worried about where the money is going and whether the children get adequate time with both parents for stable emotional health??

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Is technology creating a disadvantage for our children?

It is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, for today's youth to own cell phones, computers and other devices.  Many people look at these as a benefit for our youth.  You no longer have to go to a library to spend hours looking for a particular subject in countless numbers of books.  Parents are able to find out where their teenager is with a simple text message.  Social websites have made it easier to expand your social network and keep connected with more friends.  But are these things helping are children....or hurting them?
It is odd to think that the creation of social media would be a disadvantage for a teenager, but what happens when you no longer need to speak to your friends to stay connected?  You can now lounge in your pajamas, message all of your friends at once, while catching up on your favorite television show.  Teenagers no longer come to the door to pick up their friends, they text when they are outside.  Nevermind the fact that this is separating parents from their teenagers friends and social life.  It seems that even when friends are together, they are texting others more than they are talking to the person standing next to them.  Social media is actually making our children LESS social!  Can this really allow for our children to make appropriate and solid relationships with their friends?  More importantly, parents are likely to have more difficulties getting through to their teenagers when they have so many distractions in front of them.   
What about their education?  Many are probably thinking that it is better for our teenagers because they have all the knowledge on the internet at their fingertips.  This can be true, but anyone who has tried to decipher a teenagers text has to wonder about their spelling and writing skills.  They have created a texting language of abbreviations.  They rarely spell out a whole word and when they do, auto-correct phone features help them.  Do our children even know how to spell "laugh out loud" anymore?  Cell phones are largely being pushed into the age of the Smartphone, which will allow for your child to access the internet from their device.  They will, if not already, think it easier to google the answer than to read the textbook.  It is the generation of instant gradification and entitlement. 
Everybody has seen the headlines and worries about teenagers texting while driving, but what about the other things that these devices are affecting.  Is it safe and productive for our children to have access to these types of technologies? 

L. Ron Hubbard, A Man In Disguise

To each his my usual view of anything people choose to do with their life.  I am not one to reticule those who choose to live differently, but those involved in Scientology still scare the hell out of me.
 It is a group that has so many powerful people behind it, so much control over their people and too many unanswered questions.  ?  The founder of The Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, has a history with the occult and famous cult members such as Aleister Crowley and John Parsons.  Parsons and Hubbard working closely to perform sex magick (more specifically a ritual known as "Babalon Working") which was probably a lot more than any of the accounts would suggest.  It is thought that they were trying to conceive a child of Satan through these rituals.  Although, supposedly, no child was ever conceived through their numerous attempts. These rituals were from the teachings of the famous cultist, Aleister Crowley.  It was no mistake or coincidence that scientology became one of the leading religions in Hollywood, Hubbard had planned it all out that way.  Hubbard had created a list of celebrities that he felt would be influential to others if he could recruit them to join The Church of Scientology.
Research Hubbard could and has kept me busy for hours on end.  The information you can find, although some are questionable, is endless and overwhelming.

The Church has even created their own internment camps for members that later decide to disagree with practices.  You have to wonder if the members that have "disappeared" have ended up here.  I can't help but be reminded of another powerful individual that also used these techniques.....hmmmm.  I case you didn't catch that, go ahead and google Hitler and turns out they have a lot of similarities.   
L. Ron Hubbard's eldest son gave an interview in 1984 that was quite intriguing.
I just have to wonder, what is really going on behind the people that influence our culture and where will it end?
